Hives (Haymarket) - Found lots of eggs and brood. Bees have populated very nicely. No signs of hive beetles or ants. Using the chicken feeders to supply sugar syrup in hives was a brillant idea that my father came up with this past Spring. Cut down on pests invading the top feeders. I plan to stop feeding the bees in this hives within a week or two and will put honey supers on top.
Hives (Hume)
Hive #1 (from left - last hive on the end- removed the top feeder and inserted a Mann Lake Feeder that was modified so that the top cover could be fitted on. I'm not fond of the top feeders because they attract ants, hive beetles, and bees drown in them. The Mann Lake feeder has plastic mesh tubes that fit down in a top board. The only problem with the design is that the board juts up and doesn't allow the top cover to fit on the super. My father cut the board down to where it fits proper and works like a charm.
Did not put a honey super on this one because we are still feeding this colony. The bees built up a double comb on one of the frames and it collapsed when I pulled out the frame. We had to prop it up with a frame and slid a support frame in. Very prolific in brood but not the build up of honey stores as we have seen in the other hives. No pests found.
Hive #2 - 6: Lots of bees and brood. Honey stores sufficient. Removed the feeders and put on the honey supers. Did find a hive beetle in top feeder on Hive #2. We removed the feeders so hopefully that will eliminate the problem.