Approximately 3:00p.m.
88 degrees and scattered thunderstorms.
Wind Chill: 88° Ceiling: 4200ft
Heat Index: 91° Visibility: 10mi
Dew Point: 68° Wind: 8mph
Humidity: 52% Direction: 180° (S)
Pressure: 29.85in Gusts: 0mph
Using the method outlined below, I carted the hive approximately 300 feet away. Because the site where I was going to dump the bees was close to the road that my neighbors travel, I informed them of the time I was doing this operation. That way they could keep themselves, pets, and children indoors.
The site was in the woods so I layed a sheet down so when the bees fell, their wings wouldn't get injured (I'm such a Mom). The bees were very persistent in wanting to get back onto the frames and I had to continuly brush them off. A couple of the bees burrowed into a cell and touched their little bee bottoms with my brush, which made them back out so I could brush them off.
My wheelbarrow was several yards away and after filling the extra empty hive body with frames, I pulled each frame out to ensure that no bees remained. Satisfied that the frames were completely denuded of bees, I took off back to the hive site. I could not believe how many of the bees were waiting for me.