Scattered Clouds Scattered Clouds
Feels Like: 82°F
Wind Chill: 81° Ceiling: Unlimited
Heat Index: 81° Visibility: mi
Dew Point: 61° Wind: 9mph
Humidity: 51% Direction: 190° (S)
Pressure: 30.15in Gusts: 0mph
I could not find a queen. The modified feeder had many carcasses of the bees. I dumped the feeder and placed it near the hive so the bees could dry off. The Brushy Mountain feeder is a better design than the other brand that I've used.
Very disappointing that I could not locate the queen. I have placed an order for another Queen and she is due to arrive Thurs 5/28/09. That means another two weeks lost. Very disturbing since a bees life is approximately 42 days.